Frequently asked questions

Will you pick us up at the hotel? 

To begin our excursions, we will pick you up at your hotel or make an appointment at a meeting point in the vicinity of the main square 9 de Julio. Our staff will advise you for each excursion.

When searching for hotels, it is only for centrally located hotels. (Up to 8 blocks around the main plaza 9 de Julio). For hotels or private homes outside this area, a meeting point will be coordinated and will be indicated according to the excursion.

What time do they pick us up at the hotel? What time should I be at the meeting point?

Between 7 and 7:45 am is the search range for hotels. It is important that the passengers are ready in the lobby, their punctuality is essential to complete the excursion in time and form.

In the case that you are summoned at the meeting point, you must be present until 06:50 a.m., the excursion will depart at 07:00 a.m. punctually.

Should I bring special clothing or any type of equipment?

During the excursions we visit some areas with microclimates, which means that in the middle of winter we will visit warm areas, and in the middle of summer, temperate and cold areas. We recommend bringing an "onion" type coat in cold weather, and in summer along with your usual change, some additional clothing in case you visit more temperate areas. Bring comfortable shoes. It is advisable to bring sunscreen, sunglasses and/or a hat for passengers visiting the Salinas Grandes. It is not necessary to bring any special equipment.

Are there stops along the way?

Several stops are made along the way. Keep in mind that you will be accompanied by a professional guide who will explain the history, culture and geography of each place you visit. The guide will notify technical stops when appropriate.

Where can I have lunch?

Lunch times are planned for each excursion. Passengers can choose between the different gastronomic offers of each place, as well as bring their own lunch. You are not obliged to accompany the guide to restaurants or shops.

With how many more people will I share the excursion?

Depending on the excursion, the capacities of the vehicles are 4 passengers (4×4), 18, 23, 27 and 44 passengers. All new vehicles, with reclining seats, air conditioning, heating and perfectly equipped to enjoy your ride.

What time do we return from the excursions?

We are returning between 6:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Approximately. In high seasons, due to traffic on the routes, the return may take a little longer.

I am staying in Jujuy. Do I get picked up from the hotel?

If you are staying in the city of Jujuy, we will pick you up at the meeting point at YPF Milenium. Vilcapugio 1987, Y4600 San Salvador de Jujuy.

Can I do more than one excursion per day?

No. Each excursion requires a full day to carry it out. If you purchase a combo or add an excursion to your reservation, please note that a full day of activities are being added for each additional excursion.

Do you have an emergency telephone number?


Payment Methods

What are the payment methods available?

We offer you different means of payment.

You can pay with Credit Cards, with a Debit Card through Mercado Pago, Paypal, Bank Transfer, Bank Deposit and if you prefer, you can pay directly at our agency upon arrival.

You can check the alternatives available for each case in the "Payment method" section found in the last step of your purchase. Remember that the options that appear there are the only ones valid to complete the purchase.

How do I buy on the W Travel website?

Shopping at W Travel is very easy! You just have to follow these steps:

1- Choose the excursion, package or transfer of your choice.

2- Once you have found the trip you want, click on the Book button (this step does not generate charges at your expense or purchase obligation).

3- Review the details of your trip and enter the personal data of the passengers who are going to travel.

4- Choose your means and form of payment.

5- Complete the contact information, read and accept the Purchase Conditions and Privacy Policy.

6- Click on Buy. Ready! Within the next 24 hours you will receive an email with the purchase E-Voucher that you must present when using the service. You should not print, just have it on your cell phone to show.

If there is any problem with your payment or with the processing of your reservation, we will also inform you. Stay alert to our email communications or contact us.

What happens if after the purchase I need to modify or cancel it?

Applies only to services provided by W Travel, not outsourced. Third-party cancellation policies consult when contracting services.

• 10 days in advance, 100% refund (20% bank charges are retained in the case of Credit Card).

• 7 to 9 days, 75% refund

• 3 to 6 days, 50% refund

• 2 days, return 25%

• 24 hours before the start time of the tour there is no refund or change, in any situation.

*Cancellations due to Covid must present a positive covid test. Close contacts that accompany one or more members do not apply for cancellation. 

Do I have to pay additionally for my excursion?

The price of your excursion does not include entrance to museums or national parks that charge income. You must also pay for your consumption such as food and drinks. The excursion rates only include transportation and guidance.

Can I pay by card if I make purchases during the excursion? (ex. handicrafts)

We recommend bringing cash, as it is very likely that they do not accept cards/transfers or that there is no signal for virtual transactions.