Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy. W Travel EVT (hereinafter "W Travel" or "We") values its users and is committed to protecting your privacy. In carrying out that commitment, W Travel has developed this privacy policy (hereinafter, the "Privacy Policy" or "Policy") that describes W Travel's policies and practices regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information collected. By visiting, using and/or registering on this website (hereinafter, the "Website") or in the application for mobile phones and tablets (hereinafter, the "Application"), you as a user of the same (hereinafter , "You"), accept the practices that are detailed below. This Policy contains the privacy practices of the Website operated by W Travel, in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Law in Argentina, No. 25,326 and its complementary regulations (hereinafter, "LPDP").

Information Collected

W Travel receives and stores any information that users provide when browsing the W Travel Website, when using our online services, either by providing them by telephone at our customer service center, by participating in promotions and offers, by completing surveys, by registering as a user, via email, information posted in forums, chat groups or comments through which you interact on the Website, by using our application for mobile phones and tablets (the "Application") or in any other way form when you contract with us any product or service. The information collected (hereinafter the "Personal Information") includes -among others- name and surname, photos, recordings, postal address, nationality, telephone number, tax identification code, email address, and if you make a reservation at through our Website or App, your credit card information (such as credit card number, cardholder name, and expiration date). We may also request information about loyalty and frequent flyer programs. You may choose not to provide us with information, but in general certain information about you is required to shop or transact on our Website or App, if you choose not to provide us with certain information then you will not be able to contract with us. In the event that you make a reservation on behalf of a third party, you must previously obtain the consent of said third party before providing us with your Personal Information. Additionally, W Travel may record or control for the purposes of quality control and staff training, the calls made to our customer service operators. Call recordings will be retained for as long as reasonably necessary and then deleted.

Other Information Collected

To the extent permitted by Law, W Travel may obtain Personal Information about You and add it to the Personal Information You provide to us from affiliated entities, business partners, and other independent third-party sources -such as public databases, information collected during a telephone conversation with the customer service center and/or through interactive applications. Please note that any information we collect about you may be combined with Personal Information to, for example, help us tailor our communications to your needs and develop new products or services that may be of interest to you. Any Personal Information obtained by W Travel through the means described herein will be treated in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy.

Authorization for Registration and Processing of Personal Information

By visiting and using the W Travel Website, you expressly authorize W Travel to record and process your Personal Information for the following purposes, among others: to carry out the transactions that you have initiated; offer you products and services; send you confirmation and updates about your trip; invoice processing; respond to your questions and comments; contact you for customer service purposes, conduct surveys, statistics or analysis on consumer habits or preferences, notify you by email of special offers and travel-related products and services that may be of interest to you unless you do not want it ( see below: "Opt. Out" waiver policy). W Travel may upload results, testimonials, images, comments and information derived from survey responses on any of its websites, in order to promote real testimonials of experiences of W Travel services, identifying you with your full name, photo , comment, and nationality. We also use credit card information (such as cardholder name, credit card number, and expiration date) only for the purpose of completing travel reservations you make. on our Website, including sending your data to the final service providers, to manage your reservations and/or purchase requests. You authorize us to collect Personal Information for advertising or direct sales and other similar activities.

Storage and Transfer of Personal Information. Consent

All Personal Information is collected and stored on servers physically located in Argentina. W Travel may relocate these servers to any other country, in the future, and may store Personal Information in Argentina or in other countries, for backup purposes. You give your unequivocal consent so that W Travel can transfer your data to any country in the world.

By submitting Personal Information on the Website, you authorize and give your free and informed consent so that, in accordance with the LPDP and our Privacy Policy, W Travel collects, uses and stores your Personal Information to (i) provide the products and services you request; and (ii) send you relevant information in a personalized way – including but not limited to the promotion of products and services.

In the case of transfer of personal data, it is reported that the recipient of the personal data will assume the same obligations that correspond to the person in charge who transfers the personal data


Custody and Confidentiality of Personal Information

Personal Information will be treated with the degree of protection legally required to guarantee its security and prevent its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access.

W Travel safeguards your Personal Information in accordance with security and confidentiality standards and procedures imposed in Argentina by the Provision of the National Directorate for the Protection of Personal Data No. 11/2006 and by arts. 9 and 10 of the LPDP Law; and related standards. W Travel does not transmit, disclose or provide the Personal Information collected to third parties other than the owner of said Personal Information and/or those third parties described in this Policy. In this sense, this Website takes precautions to protect the Personal Information of users.

Access to Personal Information by Third Parties

You give your unequivocal consent so that W Travel can share the relevant Personal Information of its users with providers for the management of their reservations and/or purchase requests, such as airlines, hotels, vehicle rental companies, wholesalers, and other service providers. products and services that you contract through our Website. Also, to share your Personal Information with providers that provide services for W Travel, including credit cards, business analytics, customer service, marketing and fraud prevention. We may also authorize service providers to collect Personal Information on our behalf, including as necessary to operate certain elements of our Website or to facilitate the delivery of online advertising tailored to your interests. In addition, W Travel may share Personal Information with business partners, with whom we may jointly offer products or services. These vendors and business partners are bound by confidentiality agreements that prohibit the unauthorized use or disclosure of Personal Information to which they have access. W Travel may also share your Personal Information in order to comply with applicable regulations and cooperate with the competent authorities. Access to personal information by third parties will be governed by the opt-out policy described in the immediate following numeral.

Resignation policy (opt out)

When you transact with W Travel, you will be given a choice as to whether you wish to receive promotional circulars, messages or e-mail alerts about offers. You may modify your choices at any time by sending an email to W Travel. You will also be given in each email message we send you the opportunity to unsubscribe from receiving emails.

Rights of access, cancellation, rectification and opposition of Personal Information

Users, holders of Personal Information have -in Argentina- recognized and may exercise the rights to access, cancel and update their Personal Information, as well as to oppose the treatment of the same and to be informed of the assignments carried out, in the form free of charge at intervals of no less than six months, unless a legitimate interest is accredited for this purpose in accordance with the provisions of article 14 paragraph 3 of the LPDP in Argentina. The National Directorate for the Protection of Personal Data has the power to deal with complaints and claims that are filed in relation to non-compliance with the rules on protection of personal data.

Users guarantee and are responsible, in any case, for the veracity, accuracy, validity and authenticity of the Personal Information provided, and undertake to keep it duly updated.

The rights described above are exercised in writing through the presentation of the respective application at Calle Alvarado 554, 1st Floor, Office 1, City of Salta, Argentine Republic. In your request, you must indicate your full name and, where appropriate, a document that proves the legal representation of the owner, attach a simple copy of your national identity document, an indication of your email and postal address that you designate for notifications and a telephone number for contact; and a clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which you seek to exercise the right of access, rectification and cancellation and documents that support the change.

Once the aforementioned precautions have been complied with, and whenever it is appropriate to place the request, W Travel will notify you if it has proceeded to give place to it or if it rejects the request. W Travel has 10 (ten) business days from receipt of the request to send a response in the case of an access request, and 5 (five) business days if you request the rectification, update or deletion of your Personal Information. .

Likewise, you can access, update and correct your registration information at any time by sending an email to

W Travel.

Use of the page

Please note that when you access the W Travel Website, we automatically receive information about you and your computer. We receive information from cookies (see definition below), web beacons (see definition below) regarding your browser and your operating system, the Internet pages you have visited, the links you have viewed, the IP address of your computer and from the website that you closed before entering our Website. W Travel uses the information collected primarily to improve your user experience and improve our service.

At any time, you can choose not to receive a cookie file by enabling your web browser to reject cookies or inform you before accepting them. Please note that by refusing to accept a cookie you will not be able to access many travel services and planning tools offered by this Website. Additionally, in order to facilitate transactions on our Website, you may choose to have W Travel store information about your credit cards.

Cookies are text files that are automatically downloaded and stored on your computer's hard drive when you browse a page or a specific internet portal, which allow a certain amount of data to be saved about your internet activity. Cookies are used in order to know the interests, behavior and demographics of those who visit or are users of our Website and in this way, better understand their needs and interests and give them a better service or provide them with related information. We will also use the information obtained through cookies to analyze the pages browsed by the visitor or user, the searches performed, improve our commercial and promotional initiatives, show advertising or promotions, banners of interest, personalize content, presentation and services.

Web beacons are images that can appear inserted in web pages and websites and have a similar purpose to cookies. Additionally, a Web beacon is used to measure user traffic patterns from one page to another in order to maximize how traffic flows through the Web.


We appreciate and recommend that you provide opinions, comments and suggestions to improve the Website. You may give your opinions by sending us emails, answering surveys and/or by other means of communication. You accept and agree that all Reviews submitted to us shall be the sole and exclusive property of W Travel, and you hereby irrevocably assign to W Travel, and agree to such assignment, all of your ownership rights in all of your opinions, including, but not limited to, worldwide patent, copyright, trade secret, moral rights, and other proprietary or intellectual property rights contained therein, and you waive any moral rights you may have in such opinions. You agree that such opinions may be published on the W Travel Site or on other Sites and/or Applications. Upon request and at W Travel's expense, You will execute documents and take other actions as W Travel reasonably requests to assist W Travel in acquiring, perfecting, and maintaining its intellectual property rights and other legal protections in connection with the Reviews . We remind you that you can give your opinion anonymously.

External Links

This Website may contain links (links) to other websites that have their own privacy and confidentiality policies. For this reason, we recommend that if you visit these other websites, carefully review their confidentiality practices and policies, since this Privacy Policy does not cover the practices or policies of third parties, including those that may disclose and/or share information with Tripadvisor.

Public information

Please note that when you post information on a public area of this Website (including without limitation: notices, chat groups, electronic photo albums, and product and service reviews), you are making it available to other members, users of the Site Web and to the general public; which is outside the scope of control of W Travel. Please remember the above and be careful about the information you choose to disclose.

Responsible for the Protection of your Personal Information

The person in charge of the database/file in Argentina is W Travel. Calle Alvarado 554, 1st Floor, Office 1, city of

Salta, Argentina.


Any changes to the way W Travel uses Personal Information will be reflected in future versions of this "Privacy Policy," and will be published on this page, so it is advisable to periodically review the Privacy Policy.


If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, W Travel's practices, or your transactions, you can contact us via email.

Final provisions

1. By placing an electronic order on the website, the customer confirms that he is informed of all the personal data protection conditions and accepts them in full;

2. The customer accepts these rules by checking the checkbox on the order reservation form;

3. The controller may update these Rules at any time. The new updated version must be published on your website.

These Rules will come into effect in June 2023